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The Power of Music
There is something to be said for the power of music, the way it naturally uplifts you, makes your brain think differently and your body move. Whether you are into pop, or heavy metal, or opera, music has been a fixture in the lives of humans for thousands of years.
Music brings people together whether in church, in concerts, in pubs, in sport, in homes and practically everywhere we tread. Music has the power to transcend language and culture, crossing boundaries and often allowing common ground between generations.
Last night I watched on television the final UK performance of Sir Elton John at Glastonbury. The famous Somerset festival was alight with the melodies of his fifty two years as a musician and a performer. The lucky thousands who were there witnessed a magical moment of nostalgia and joy. Young or old they sang and danced and laughed and cried, united by his music and by the power of song.
But like all good things, the excitement and euphoria fades. For the revellers making their way out of the fields of Somerset to their homes, their jobs and their lives, reality will creep back in and all they’ll be left with is the memory of those magical moments.
However, music is always with us whether it’s via our electronic devices, or the radio or a local choir (my choir, Harmony Belles, is my absolutely happy place). Music is a constant in an ever changing and demanding world. Music is the backdrop to our lives and dreams. Let’s cherish it no matter what.
Vanessa Woolley, Published in the Maidenhead Advertiser, August 2023
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